Address Change Request Form
Use this form to file an appeal of your property assessment with the Board of Review. For filing deadlines, go to boardofreview.lakecountyil.gov, and click "Filing Deadlines and Decision Mailed Dates" on the left-hand side.
Use this form to submit additional evidence on a previously filed assessment appeal, homestead exemption application, non-homestead exemption application, or preferential assessment request. Do not use this to file a renewal of an exemption or preferential assessment, only to attach supplemental information on a filing.
TAXING DISTRICTS ONLY! Use this form to file as a third-party intervenor on an assessment appeal that has already been filed.
ATTORNEYS ONLY! Use this form to update your contact information on file with the Board of Review. If you have not registered as an attorney with the Board of Review, please go to boardofreview.lakecountyil.gov to do so. Click the link on the left for “Board of Review Forms,” then click the link for “Attorney E-Filing Registration Form.”
TAXING DISTRICTS ONLY! Use this form to update your contact information on file with the Board of Review.
TOWNSHIP ASSESSORS ONLY! Use this form to submit a grid of comparable properties on an assessment appeal that has already been filed. Appellants and attorneys can do this under “Additional Evidence” above.
Use this form to file for one or more of the following homestead exemptions: General Homestead Exemption, Senior Homestead Exemption, Returning Veterans Homestead Exemption, Disabled Veterans Homestead Exemption and Disabled Persons Homestead Exemption. NOTE: You cannot receive both the Disabled Veterans and Disabled Persons exemptions in the same year.
Use this form to file for the Low-Income Senior Citizen's Assessment Freeze (the “Senior Freeze”). This exemption freezes the assessed value of your property for tax purposes. (Please note: It does not freeze your tax rate.) To qualify, applicants must be 65 or older, own the property as their principal residence for the past two January 1st dates, and have a total household income of $65,000 or less. The deadline for filing is July 31st, to affect the tax bill issued the following May.
RENEWAL ONLY! Use this form to file an annual renewal of an approved Veterans With Disabilities or Persons With Disabilities homestead exemption. If you are applying for the first time, please use the “Homestead Exemption Application” link above. The deadline for filing is July 31st, to affect the tax bill issued the following May.
Use this form to file for the natural disaster exemption. This exemption is for any homestead property in which there was a structure rebuilt following a natural disaster. “Natural disaster” refers to widespread or severe damage or loss of property resulting from any catastrophic cause, including fire, flood, earthquake, wind, storm, or extended period of severe weather.
Use this form to file a request for reassessment of property under Illinois statute 35 ILCS 200/13-5 based on substantial damage caused by a disaster in a county that has been declared a major disaster area by the President of the United States or the Governor of the State of Illinois. Persons filing for disaster area reassessment may be asked to show evidence of the loss in the form of receipts, insurance claims, photographs, or other evidence.
Tax-exempt entities other than hospitals should use this form to provide the Chief County Assessment Office with the required annual status certification. The deadline for filing is January 31st of the assessment year, to affect the tax bill issued the following year.
Hospitals should use this form to provide the Chief County Assessment Office with the required annual status certification. The deadline for filing is January 31st of the assessment year, to affect the tax bill issued the following year.
Use this form to apply for open space valuation in accordance with Illinois statute 35 ILCS 200/10-155. The deadline for filing is June 30th, to affect tax bill issued the following May.
Use this form to submit the required annual Certificate of Status for properties that have been approved by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency to be assessed in accordance with the Historic Residence Assessment Freeze Law (35 ILCS 200/10-40). The deadline for filing is January 31st of the assessment year, to affect the tax bill issued the following year.
Use this form to apply for a model home assessment. This allows a dwelling, condominium, or town home not occupied as a dwelling but used instead as a display or demonstration model for prospective buyers to be assessed at its value prior to construction or zoning classification change. The deadline for filing is December 31st, to affect the tax bill issued the following May.
Use this form to file for a cancellation of a model home assessment.
Use this form to apply for a Fraternal Organization Assessment Freeze. To qualify, a fraternal organization or its affiliated Illinois not-for profit corporation chartered prior to 1920 must own and use real property, be an exempt entity under IRC Section 501(c)(2), (c)(8), or (c)(10), and consist of members who provide, directly or indirectly, financial support for charitable works, such as medical care, drug rehabilitation, or education.
Use this form to apply for a Veterans Organization Assessment Freeze. To qualify, a veterans organization must be chartered under federal law and own and use the real property on which is located the principal building for the post, camp, or chapter.
Use this application to request an alternate assessment if you are using a solar energy system that has been installed on your property. The solar energy system must conform to the standards established by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.